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Mint Mobile Goes Truly Unlimited

As someone who has used Mint Mobile for years now, the only real downside that I’ve come across is the fact that like many carriers, their unlimited data wasn’t truly unlimited. Once you hit 40GB of data, which if we’re being honest is a ton, your speeds would be limited to a degree that might make your phone hard to use.

Surprisingly, a reddit thread emerged with users claiming that their data was no longer speed limited after hitting that mark. As you can see, the post was replied to be a Co-Founder at Mint who confirmed that this would be made official next week.

Starting very soon, Mint Mobile’s unlimited plan will offer no caps on data and no throttling for the same price. For those worried that Mint’s acquisition by T-Mobile would lead to the downfall of the carrier, it appears the opposite is happening.

If you want to see my thoughts on using Mint Mobile, check out my long term review here

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