Hi, I’m Shane
I was always one of those kids that loved tech. I always wanted to take things apart and see how they worked - and then likely fail to put them back together.. I remember once disassembling my family PC to clean it out and somehow I didn’t realize that my CPU stuck to the cooler. This resulted in me spending a couple hours with a magnifying glass and a needle bending pins back one at a time.. Lessons were learned 😂
Anyways, back in late 2020 I quit my normal person job to chase my dream job of talking tech on YouTube. After years of posting pretty much every single day, and sometimes twice per day, I average over 400K views per month! Thanks for reading!
Fun (maybe?) Facts About Me
My Favorite Game
The Last of Us
First Smart Phone
Palm Pre
First Tech Purchase
Nokia N770 Internet Tablet
Meet the family!
I would be nothing with out the support of my family. We’ve got Rose the Australian Shepard, who might have her own YouTube channel.. Jet who is of breed unknown and old man Rutherford who is a rednose pit. Of course most importantly there’s my wife Jessi who was the primary encouragement for me starting this channel. Without her none of this would have been possible.
Oh yeah. Jessi also has a YouTube channel lol.